雖自少因就讀天主教學校而認識聖經故事,卻從未真正尋求神。在神的引領下來到主恩堂認識耶穌基督,及後信主受洗,靈命成長。更受呼召成為神的僕人,並進入西三一大學的ACTS 神學院攻讀道學碩士課程,期間也取得婚姻及家庭治療碩士。更蒙神的恩典,自2013年她在自己成長的教會裡服侍牧養,滿有喜樂。
Born in Hong Kong, Rev. Irene Yeung moved to Vancouver in 1991 and received her MBA from Simon Fraser University. Prior to being called to be a pastor, she worked as a compensation consultant in a Human Resources Department.
Although she was introduced to the Bible as a child while attending a Catholic school, she never sought God. She came to know Jesus Christ through God’s guidance, was baptised and grew spiritually at Lord’s Grace Church. She was called to be a servant of God, enrolled in and received a Master of Divinity degree from the ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western University. At the same time, she also obtained a Master of Marriage and Family Therapy degree. By God’s grace, she has been joyfully serving in the church she grew up in since 2013.
Rev. Irene currently oversees the Senior and Adult Ministries, Praise and Worship, Christian Education, Evangelism and Caring Ministries of the Cantonese congregation, as well as the Children’s Department. She is committed to discipleship training and building up the church, such that LGC will become a “home” for all.
In her spare time, she enjoys chatting and sharing with her friends the different aspects of their lives; it is always a pleasure to be surrounded by friends.